
Bible Study: 1 and 2 Peter

On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, we will resume our weekly Bible Study as we look at the Catholic Epistles of St. Peter. The study will be held on Zoom at 7:00pm and is open to all parishioners and friends.


Most modern scholars do not think that Saint Peter actually wrote the two letters called by his name. They consider the first letter as coming from the end of the first century and the second letter from the first half of the second century. The Tradition of the Church, however, maintains the testimony of the letters themselves, ascribing them to the foremost leader of Christ’s apostles writing from “Babylon,” which was the early Church’s name for Rome, on the eve of his martyrdom there in the latter half of the first century (see 1 Pet 5.13, 2 Pet 1.14).

How to Join Us

You may connect to all of the Zoom Meetings using the link or meeting ID below:
Meeting ID: 353 939 1994

For the password, please contact Fr. John.

Category: Upcoming Events
Last updated: 2022-10-12 08:05:45
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Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
10315 Carey Road
Berlin, MD 21811

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    7:00pm Orthodoxy 201

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Baptism of Amelia Kate and Chrismation of William Wilkinson - 01/18/25

On Saturday, January 18, 2025, we had the baptism of Amelia Kate, daughter of William and Megan Wilkinson.  William was also Chrismated on this day, entering the Orthodox Church to the great joy of his family and the entire parish. Amelia Kate has taken St. Tatiana as her patron and William has taken St. Basil the Great. We extend our congratulations to the entire family, as well as the sponsors, Rdr. Alexander Hubiak and Jessica Lapinski. May the Lord grant them all health, strength, salvation, a furtherance in every good thing, and many blessed years!

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