On Sunday, March 10, 2024 with the blessing of our diocesan hierarch, Metropolitan Tikhon, the 2024 Parish Council members were installed into office. During the first meeting of the 2024 Council, Georgianne Mathews was elected Senior Warden and Ioana Davidson was elected Treasurer. May the Lord bless them all!
2024 Parish Council
Georgianne Mathews, Senior Warden (term ends 2027)
Cheryl Kokkinos, Junior Warden (term ends 2026)
Ioana Davidson, Treasurer (term ends 2027)
Vera Yevsukov, Secretary (term ends 2026)
Anastasia Bakie (term ends 2027)
Mirona Bendfeldt (term ends 2026)
Justin DeArmitt (term ends 2025)
Zach Davidson (term ends 2027)
Beth Dunbar (term ends 2025)
Joseph Dunbar (term ends 2025)
Edward Hill (term ends 2027)
Barbara Kaloroumakis (term ends 2025)
Thomas Mathews (term ends 2025)
Marian Ridge (term ends 2027)
Georgiana Wright (term ends 2027)
Cecilia Wyant (term ends 2027)
Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
10315 Carey Road
Berlin, MD 21811
3Nov19th Sunday After Pentecost
9:00am Div. Liturgy
Blessing of Healing Ministries
1100am Choir Rehearsal
St. Michael's Party
Parish ThanksgivingWed
6Nov7:00pm Orthodoxy 201Thu
7Nov7:00pm Vespers
On Sunday, November 3, 2024, the children participated in our annual St. Michael's party, by dressing as saints and angels, and they also enjoyed special activities. The St. Michael's Party also coincided with the parish Thanksgiving meal with the traditional foods and fixings. Many thanks to all who made this year's St. Michael's Party and Thanksgiving meal such a great success!
St. George - Ocean City, MD
St. Andrew - Lewes, DE
Holy Trinity - Whaleyville, MD
St. Nicholas - Dover, DE
St. Thekla - Easton, MD