Dormition / Presentation of Minsk, Belarus - 08/15/08

On Friday, August 15th, the faithful celebrated the Dormition of the Mother of God, also called the Summer Pascha in that we commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of the Virgin Mary.

We were very pleased to have with us on this day Sister Irina from St. Elizabeth the New Martyr's Convent in Minsk, Belarus. Following the Divine Liturgy and a light lunch, Sr. Irina gave a talk about the work of the Sisters and answered questions about the life of the Community and their charitable work there. She also offered religious items for sale which were made by the Sisters. For more information on the Convent, which houses some 70 nuns and has some 300 Sisters of Mercy, please see their website:

We were also pleased to have with us for the feast, Protodeacon Gregory Moser, Matushka Martha (who graciously directed the choir for us), and their family from St. Mark's Orthodox Church in Wrightstown, PA.