Renovations to Parish Center

On Thursday, February 9, 2012, we received our building permit from Worcester County and immediately began renovations to the new Parish Center. It is hoped that renovations would be complete in the next two months so that the faithful might celebrate Holy Pascha in their new facilities. Check back often as this page will be updated as the work continues!

To make a donation via mail:

Please earmark your check for the "Building Fund" and mail it to the following address:

Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
10315 Carey Road
Berlin, MD 21811

To make a donation online:

Other ways you can help:


Renovations through 2/17/12 - 02/17/12

(95 images)

Renovations through 2/23/12 - 02/23/12

(37 images)

Renovations through 2/28/12 - 02/28/12

(40 images)

Renovations through 3/5/12 - 03/05/12

(18 images)

Renovations through 3/8/12 - 03/08/12

(27 images)

Renovations through 4/5/12 - 04/05/12

(33 images)

Renovations through 4/10/12 - 04/10/12

(21 images)

Renovations through 4/21 - 04/21/12

(21 images)

Renovations through 5/3 - 05/03/12

(6 images)

Renovations through 5/6 - 05/05/12

(5 images)

Renovations through 5/7 - 05/07/12

(13 images)

Renovations through 5/8 - 05/08/12

(13 images)

Renovations through 5/10 - 05/10/12

(12 images)

Renovations through 5/12 - 05/12/12

(31 images)

Renovations through 5/20 - 05/20/12

(27 images)

Renovations through 5/22 - 05/22/12

(24 images)

Renovations through 5/30 - 05/30/12

(14 images)

Renovations through 6/8 - 06/08/12

(20 images)

Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-12 14:43:17
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Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
10315 Carey Road
Berlin, MD 21811

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    6:00pm Vespers
    Firepit Night
  • Sun

    16th Sunday After Pentecost
    9:00am Div. Liturgy
    Parish Park Day
  • Sat

    6:00pm Vespers
    Firepit Night

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Church Musician Sunday - 10/06/24

On Sunday, October 6, 2024, we celebrated the feastday of St. Innocent of Alaska and at the end of the Divine Liturgy there was special blessing for the choir director, members, and readers in honor of Church Musician Sunday. This blessing takes place annually on the Sunday closest to the feast of St. Romanus the Melodist (October 1st). Appreciation was expressed to all who fufill this sacred work and flowers were bestowed upon Alexis DeArmitt, our choir director, in recognition of her very fine service to Christ the Savior. We ask that Lord's divine blessing upon them all so that they might continue to worthily fulfill this vital ministry.

We were happy to welcome Mitred-Archpriest James Parsells, from Ss. Peter & Paul in Manville, NJ, who traveled down to be with us as we celebrated the namesday of his son, Archpriest John and the 74th birthday of Archpriest Joseph Oleynik. Glory to God for a wonderful day!

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St. George - Ocean City, MD
St. Andrew - Lewes, DE
Holy Trinity - Whaleyville, MD
St. Nicholas - Dover, DE
St. Thekla - Easton, MD

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