On December 29, 2013, we continued to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord, with an Open House in the rectory. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, we kept the ancient custom of St. Basil's Bread, with the golden coin being received by Monk Christian (Lesinsky). On this day, we also congratulated Protopresbyter Daniel Hubiak on his 87th birthday - may the Lord grant him and Mat. Dunia many more blessed years! Finally, on this day, we reached our goal of raising 30K to repay a short term 0% interest loan generously offered by a benefactor for renovations required to the Parish Center. We have so many to thank, and we offer glory and thanks to God for all things, including such a wonderful day with so many blessings!
Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
10315 Carey Road
Berlin, MD 21811
7Sep6:00pm VespersSun
9:00am Div. Liturgy
1100am Choir Rehearsal New Members
Church School Meeting
Parish Beach DayWed
11SepSt. Silouan the Athonite
7:00pm Orthodoxy 201
On Saturday, August 31, 2024, members and friends of Christ the Savior spent the day at the local Jolly Roger Splash Mountain Water Park in Ocean City. The weather was beautiful and we thank God for a truly refreshing day! Join us next year!
St. George - Ocean City, MD
St. Andrew - Lewes, DE
Holy Trinity - Whaleyville, MD
St. Nicholas - Dover, DE
St. Thekla - Easton, MD