On Sunday, July 2, 2023, after celebrating the Divine Liturgy in which we commemorated St. John of San Francisco and offered prayer for the well-being of our nation, we had a cookout and pool party in the parish courtyard celebrating Independence Day. We were pleased to welcome Protodeacon Gregory Moser for these ecclesiastical and civil celebrations. May the Lord continue to bless His Church and our nation, raising up more Saints to His glory in this blessed American land!
Prayer for the Well-being of Our Nation
O Master, Lord our God, the Source of life and immortality, the Author of all created things in heaven and on earth, who hast placed all times and seasons in Thy power and hast established all power and authority among men upon the earth, that it might be used to Thy glory and the well being of Thy people, we thank Thee for the great benefits which Thou hast seen fit to pour forth on this nation during the years that are past. We acknowledge with gratitude that Thou hast not dealt with this land according to the iniquities of the people, neither according to the wickedness which exists in the nation hast Thou given Thy blessings: but in Thine abundant mercy and infinite lovingkindness and compassion Thou hast dealt bountifully with the American nation and hast shown forth great mercy upon us all. O our Master and Lord, we supplicate at this present time that Thou wilt continue to show mercy upon us and upon this land and its people, that Thou wilt fill our hearts abundantly with gladness and joy that we may do Thy holy will in all things. Give to the leaders of this nation, its president and congress, its governors and judges, its military commanders, all wisdom and guidance and direct them to discharge their duties in the manner commanded by Thee. Grant them reason and understanding, that they may judge justly and act rightly, preserving the commonwealth in harmony and peace. Kindle in their hearts the will to care for the needy, to show kindness on the poor, to aid the homeless, to help the helpless. Grant them to be defenders of the defenseless and terrible to evildoers, gracious to those who are good and worthy to be trusted. Guide them in all things that they may govern the nation and care for its people in righteousness and truth, putting aside all deceit and corruption, that they may maintain the confidence of all people or this land, and all others. Grant also, O Lord, to the people of this nation the will to do good, to flee from all evil, and to practice all righteousness. Drive from their hearts the lusts of the flesh and all covetous desires. Make them to be respectful of life and sharers of Thy blessings, caring for one another in mercy and truth. Banish all evil from their hearts and all wickedness from their laws, that in every national action and individual deed, they may be servants of Thy will and performers of Thy love. Grant also, O Master, that the members of Thy Church may be faithful witnesses of Thy truth in unity and peace, fulfilling all of Thy commandments in true worship of Thy Glory. Bless the Orthodox Church in America with Thy powerful blessings and deliver Thy people from all falsehood and sin, through the guidance of the bishops and priests filled with the power of Thy Spirit. O our most merciful Lord, the God of all bounties and the Father of all consolations, turn not Thy face from Thy people and put us not to shame in our hope, for Thou knows our needs even before we ask, and deals in all things according to Thy goodness. For every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from Thee, the Father of Lights, and unto Thee we ascribe all glory, thanksgiving and worship, together with Thine only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and Thy most holy and good and life creating Spirit, always now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
10315 Carey Road
Berlin, MD 21811
7Sep6:00pm VespersSun
9:00am Div. Liturgy
1100am Choir Rehearsal New Members
Church School Meeting
Parish Beach DayWed
11SepSt. Silouan the Athonite
7:00pm Orthodoxy 201
On Saturday, August 31, 2024, members and friends of Christ the Savior spent the day at the local Jolly Roger Splash Mountain Water Park in Ocean City. The weather was beautiful and we thank God for a truly refreshing day! Join us next year!
St. George - Ocean City, MD
St. Andrew - Lewes, DE
Holy Trinity - Whaleyville, MD
St. Nicholas - Dover, DE
St. Thekla - Easton, MD