On Sunday, January 6th, the Feast of Holy Theophany, a newly handpainted icon of the Mother of God was blessed and placed for veneration. The iconographer, Mirona Bendfeldt, completed the icon as part of a set which presently includes the Icon Not-Made-By-Hands. Forthcoming icons may include St. John the Baptist and the North American Saints. May the Lord bless both Mirona for using her God-given talents to His glory as well as the anonymous donor of the icon and her prayerful intentions!
On Sunday, January 6th, the faithful gathered to celebrate the Great Feast of Theophany, which commemorates the Lord's Baptism in the Jordan River and the manifestation of the Holy Trinity. On the eve, we served the Great Blessing of Water during the festal vigil.
On Saturday, January 19, 2019 there was a youth outing to Altitude Trampoline Park in Delmar, MD, followed by Great Vespers at the church in Berlin. A great time was had by all - glory to God!
On Friday, January 18th parishioners from Christ the Savior joined other Orthodox Christians and hundreds of thousands of people who gathered for the March For Life in Washington, DC. The march is a pro-life rally protesting abortion, held in the nation's capital near the anniversary of the infamous decision in the United States Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade. This year's group from Christ the Savior was led by Deacon Steven Hall.
On Sunday, January 27th, the parishioners of Christ the Savior gathered together for their annual meeting. In addition to reviewing the minutes from last year's meeting, the parish body heard reports from the rector, senior warden, junior warden, treasurer, auditors, long-term planning commission, and infrastructure and maintenance commission.
On Sunday, February 24th, after the Divine Liturgy, there was a Women's Group outing to the Nori Sushi Bar and Grill in Ocean City, Maryland. A great time was had by all. Many thanks to the organizers of the event!
On Sunday, March 3rd, with the blessing of our diocesan hierarch, Metropolitan Tikhon, the 2019 Parish Council members were installed into office. During the first meeting of the 2019 Council, Larry Perrone was elected Junior Warden and Beth Keller Dunbar was elected Secretary. May the Lord bless them all!
On Sunday, March 10, following the Divine Liturgy, we had the beautiful and grace-filled Rite of Forgiveness before entering into the Holy Forty Days of the Great Fast. During this solemn ritual we ask and receive forgiveness from each other and the Lord, who says, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours.” (Matthew 6:14)
On Monday, March 11, the faithful gathered for the reading of the Great Canon of Repentance, written by St. Andrew of Crete in the 8th century. This service will be offered the next three evenings at 7:00pm, and once more on April 10. The text of the Great Canon can be found here.
On Sunday, March 24, we had the baptism of Juliana Antonia, daughter of Gerald and Camelia Milite. We extend our congratulations to the entire family as well as the sponsors, Zachary and Ioana. May the Lord grant them all health, strength, salvation, a furtherance in every good thing, and many blessed years!
On Sunday, March 24, we celebrated the birthday of Matushka Dunia Hubiak, who together with her husband, Protopresbyter Daniel, has served the parish and faithful for many years in various capacities and countless ways. We heartily pray that the Lord grant her health, strength, salvation, a furtherance in every good thing, and many blessed years!
On April 20, 2019, following the Divine Liturgy of Lazarus Saturday, we had the blessing of a new Holy Shroud to be used during the upcoming Holy Week and Pascha. The icon depicts Christ after He has been removed from the Cross, lying supine, as His Body is being prepared for burial. The scene is taken from the Gospel of St. John 19:38-42. The following hymn is embroidered around the edges of the icon: The Noble Joseph, taking down Thy most pure Body from the Tree, wrapped It in clean linen and sweet spices and laid it in a new tomb.
On Palm Sunday, April 21st, the faithful gathered to celebrate the Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem. A procession around the church was made while the faithful bore in their hands palms in honor of the festive occassion. Following the beautiful divine services, a traditional Bakaliaro fish meal was offered for all present. Glory be to God for all things!
On Great and Holy Wednesday, April 24th, the faithful gathered for the Mystery of Holy Unction, the anointing with holy oil for the healing of soul and body. The Church’s practice of Holy Unction dates back to Apostolic times, see James 5:14.
From April 21 - April 27, the faithful gathered at Christ the Savior to celebrated the solemn liturgical services of Great and Holy Week, which commemorates the Lord's voluntary Passion, His Cross, Death and Burial.
On Sunday, April 28th, the faithful gathered for the Midnight service, celebrating the Feast of Feast, Holy Pascha, which commemorates the Resurrection of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. More than 100 people gathered for the celebration of the liturgical services which were followed by the blessing of foods and a festive meal in the hall and rectory. We greet you all with the joyous exclamation, "Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!"
On Sunday, May 12th, Lowen and Rachael Howard, together with their children, Judah, Lewis, and Martin, were enrolled into the catechumenate during the Divine Liturgy. We humbly ask the Lord's continued blessing upon them during their catechumenate as they prepare themselves for sacramental reception into the Orthodox Church!
On Sunday, May 19, after two weeks' postponement, the children of the parish finally had their annual Paschal egg hunt. A good time was had by all!
On Sunday, June 16th, the faithful gathered to celebrate the feast of Pentecost. As is customary, the Vespers with Kneeling Prayers was served immediately following the Divine Liturgy. We congratulation all who celebrate on this high holy day!
On Sunday, June 16, the following prayer was offered for the annual blessing of the pool: O Lord, how marvelous are Thy works. In wisdom hast Thou made them all. Send down Thy heavenly blessing upon this pool. Protect all who swim in it. Keep them safe as they enjoy the recreation and fellowship which it provides. For Thou art the Provider of every good gift, Who dost fill our hearts with joy and gladness, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
On Sunday, June 23rd, prayers were offered at the completion of the academic year, thanking the Lord for the blessing of His wisdom and knowledge, and asking Him to preserve the students in that which they have learned which is according to His divine law.
On Sunday, July 21st, at the end of the Divine Liturgy, we had the annual Blessing of Chariots (cars, trucks, bikes, etc), punctuated this year by a small plane flyover. It is a custom of Orthodox Christians to have their cars blessed both when newly acquired and on or near the feast of the Prophet Elias (July 20th), as he ascended as if into heaven on a fiery chariot. With a temperature of 100+° the chariots were truly fiery! We thank God for a truly blessed day!
On Monday, August 5th, we had the blessing of a new censor, to be used as we offer up to God incense together with our prayers during worship services. The censor was acquired from Romania and received as a donation from one of the parishioners. Before the blessing, Fr. John invited the children and adults to come forward and see the censor, while he explained its usage and spiritual function in the Orthodox Church.
On Tuesday, August 6th, faithful parishioners and guests gathered to celebrate the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Concelebrating with Fr. John was Dn. George Sharonoff. Following the Divine Liturgy, we had the customary blessing of grapes and other various fruit. Glory to God for a beautiful feastday!
On Thursday, August 15th, the faithful gathered to celebrate the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, which is the annual festal commemoration the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of the Virgin Mary, the Birthgiver of God. We were pleased to welcome a number of visitors including Protodeacon Gregory Moser, who coserved with Fr. John. After the Divine Services about 40 people went to the local Chick-Fil-A to continue to the celebration and fellowship. Glory to God for a beautiful feastday!
On Tuesday, August 20, our catechumens travelled to Washington DC to visit St. Nicholas Cathedral (OCA) and St. John the Baptist Cathedral (ROCOR). The visit was part of an intensive period of study and spiritual preparation for sacramental reception into the Orthodox Church. We thank the two cathedrals for welcoming us and Protodeacon Leonid from St. John's for giving us an excellent tour!
On Sunday, August 26th, at the beginning of the Academic Year, we asked the Lord's blessing upon the teachers and students. May the Lord enlighten and guide them into His divine truth!
On Saturday, September 14, the faithful gathered to celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This feast commemorates the finding of the true Cross by the Empress Helen in the 4th century. Fr. Joseph Oleynik blessed the community by bringing a reliquary containing stones from Golgotha where the Lord was crucified. The celebration of the Feast was punctuated by the 67th anniversary of Fr. Daniel Hubiak's ordination to the Holy Priesthood. We thank Fr. Joseph for the blessing, and we congratulation Fr. Daniel and Mat. Dunia on their anniversary of service to the Church. May the Lord grant them many more blessed years!
On Sunday, September 15, we were pleased to welcome Justin Barkewich into the catechumenate during the Divine Liturgy. We humbly ask the Lord's continued blessing upon him as he prepares himself for sacramental reception into the Orthodox Church!
A fellowship event was held at the Pocomoke River Canoe Company on Saturday, 9/21 at 1pm. Following 1 hour on the river, there was a potluck back at the Parish Center, then a Bible Study at 5pm and the evening Vespers Service at 6pm. Glory to God for a beautiful day!
On Saturday, October 26, Archpriest Thomas Soroka led an educational retreat here at Christ the Savior which was entitled, "A Christian Ending". The retreat covered a spiritual and practical approach to death from an Orthodox Christian perspective. The evening concluded with Great Vespers followed by a bonfire in the courtyard with hotdogs, smores, and sparklers for the kids. We thank Fr. Thomas for his very edifying presentation and appreciation is also sincerely expressed to all who donated and helped support the event! We give glory to God for a beautiful day!
On Sunday, October 27, we were pleased to welcome Yvonne Eckerd into the catechumenate during the Divine Liturgy. We humbly ask the Lord's continued blessing upon her as she prepares herself for sacramental reception into the Orthodox Church!
On Sunday, November 3, prayers were offered at the end of the Divine Liturgy for those in the healing ministries. We ask the Lord's continued blessings upon all those who work with Him in the healing of mankind's physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds and illnesses. May the Lord grant them many blessed years of faithful service to Him and their fellow man!
On Sunday, November 10th, the children participated in our annual St. Michael's party, by dressing as saints and angels. Other activities including a pinata, donut dangle, and various crafts. The St. Michael's Party also coincided with the parish Thanskgiving meal with the traditional foods and fixings. Many thanks to all who made this year's St. Michael's party and Thanksgiiving meal such a great success!
On November 28, 2019, Thanksgiving Day, Archpriest Joseph Oleynik led the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, during which we gave thanks to Almighty God for all of His bounteous gifts bestowed in His love for mankind. We heartily congratulate Fr. Joseph on his anniversary of priestly ordination, and we wish him and Matushka Annice many more blessed years of fruitful service to the Church!
On December 24, the Eve of the Lord's Nativity, we were very pleased to receive Marian Ridge into the Orthodox Church through Holy Chrismation. Marian has taken St. Mary Magdalene as her patron saint. We sincerely congratulate her on this joyous occasion and we ask the Lord to grant her health, strength, salvation, a furtherance in every good thing, and many blessed years!
As the faithful gathered to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ according to the flesh, humbly ask the Lord's continued blessing upon you all for a joyous, peaceful and grace-filled festive season and New Year. Christ is born! Glorify Him!
During the Divine Liturgy of the Lord's Nativity, we were very pleased to receive Yvonne Eckerd into the Orthodox Church through Holy Chrismation. Yvonne has taken St. Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary, as her patron saint. We sincerely congratulate her on this joyous occasion and we ask the Lord to grant her health, strength, salvation, a furtherance in every good thing, and many blessed years!
On Sunday, December 29th, we kept the custom of St. Basil's Bread (The Vasilopeta). This year the coins were received by Alina Mellinger, Christiana Josephine Milite and Dominic Morsey. May the Lord grant them many blessed years!
On Sunday, December 29th, we congratulated the parish's founding priest, Protopresbyter Daniel Hubiak, on his 93rd birthday. May the Lord grant him and Mat. Dunia many blessed years! Following the Divine Liturgy, during which Archpriest Joseph Oleynik brought relics of the Holy Innocents for veneration, there was an Open House in the rectory, which concluded with Christmas caroling. We extend our festive greetings to one and all, asking the Lord's continue blessing upon you and yours during this holy season!

Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
10315 Carey Road
Berlin, MD 21811
15MarMemorial Saturday
5:15pm Memorial
6:00pm VespersSun
16Mar2nd Sunday of Great Lent
9:00am Div. LiturgyFri
21Mar6:00pm Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts
On March 9, 2025, we celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy with a procession of icons to the Archway at our roadside entrance during the Divine Liturgy. There we had a reading of the ancient Synodicon, the affirmation of the Orthodox Faith that our salvation is proclaimed in both words and images, and the faithful recited the Nicene Creed. We congratulate all who celebrate on this day!
St. George - Ocean City, MD
St. Andrew - Lewes, DE
Holy Trinity - Whaleyville, MD
St. Nicholas - Dover, DE
St. Thekla - Easton, MD